10 reasons to join the BFC

  1. Regular national conferences
  2. Promotes your business
  3. Support for your business
  4. Internet Presence
  5. Driven by excellence
  6. Trains your technicians
  7. BFC has an influential voice
  8. BFC says ‘Yes’ to small business
  9. Up to date reports on laws and standards
  10. Inform on quality / safety and recall issues

Member Application

Please apply by filling out the details below.

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About your Entity

Does the company have any approvals. If so, for what and with whom?

Attach a brief company description of activities on company letterhead.

Maximum size 10MB. PDF, DOC, TXT only please

Upload your Public Liability Insurance Certificate

Maximum size 10MB. PDF, DOC, TXT only please

How would you like to be contacted?

How would you like your data to be stored?


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